Bug List
1. When people at the gym sit at a machine on their phones instead of using the machine.
1. When people at the gym sit at a machine on their phones instead of using the machine.
WHY it exists: Many people are often excited to have gotten their hands on a machine and check their phones quickly and end up getting distracted.
2. How overpopulated campus is during the fall semester
WHY it exists: Most students return to school in the fall semester and every inch of campus is now overpopulated in comparison to the spring and summer semesters.
3. People who bike on the sidewalk
WHY it exists: People ride their bikes on the sidewalk to avoid riding on the street in the bike lane.
4. Dirty dishes in the sink
WHY it exists: Instead of washing their dishes as soon as they are done with them, some people would rather avoid exerting effort by washing them immediately.
5.How slow the elevators are in Beaty Towers East
WHY it exists: Beaty Towers East is an old building and the elevators are old as well so the elevators take longer to travel from floor to floor.
6. Dunkin Donuts’ shorter hours during the summer semester
WHY it exists: Campus is less populated so Dunkin has shorter hours because they have fewer customers.
7. People who are homebodies and refuse to go on adventures
WHY it exists: Some people would rather be at home than pay for outside activities.
8. When people complain about school when their education was paid for by their parents.
WHY it exists: A sense of entitlement exists and many students complain about school and other expenses when their parents are actually the ones dishing out the money.
9. People who lack manners
WHY it exists: Some people were either never taught how to say 'please' and 'thank you' or they simply do not put these manners into practice.
10. Racist people
WHY it exists:Many people believe that the color of a person's skin matters and that one race is inferior to others.
11. People who talk behind your back.
WHY it exists: Sometimes people feel the need to speak about someone to other people rather than saying things to someone's face.
12. How expensive coffee is
WHY it exists: Coffee is a popular drink, especially among college students, so the price is higher because companies know that they can charge higher prices.
13. People who scuff their feet as they walk
WHY it exists: People think that lifting their feet is too much work, so they scuff their feet while walking.
14. People who don't cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze
WHY it exists: Some people do not cover their sneezes or coughs and spread their germs everywhere.
15. People who say "no offense" as if it downplays anything insulting they say.
WHY it exists: When people insult you, they feel guilty and try to say "no offense"to make the statement sound less cruel.
16.When people make quick judgments without bothering to get to know someone
WHY it exists: It's easier to assume something about someone than to actually exert time and effort into getting to know someone.
17. People who do not use their turn signal
WHY it exists: Some people think that using their turn signal isn't necessary and that people can just guess that they are making a turn.
18. Complainers who always find something to complain about
WHY it exists: Some people will never see the bright side of things and always find a reason to be unsatisfied or unhappy.
19. Walking through Turlington and being harassed by people handing out flyers
WHY it exists: Students are trying to drum up more involvement for their organization so they feel they need to relentlessly bug students walking through Turlington.
20. Texting and driving
WHY it exists: People think that a text can't wait and they need to reply right away, even when driving.
Reflection: This assignment became increasingly difficult as I continued to list the things that bug me. It was a challenge for me because I am not used to looking at the world in such a negative way.
Reflection: This assignment became increasingly difficult as I continued to list the things that bug me. It was a challenge for me because I am not used to looking at the world in such a negative way.