Thursday, November 8, 2018

Assignment 22A

Elevator Pitch No. 3

1.) Link to video:

In the year 2013, 3.6 million Americans relied on wheelchairs to assist with mobility. So wheelchairs are everywhere around us and many people use them to help them in their daily lives. But many restaurants and businesses lack accommodations that help these patrons even get into their establishments. Yet public transportation is crawling with wheelchair ramps and accommodations. Ninety-eight percent of public transportation buses have wheelchair accommodations. So, why did these buses have these accommodations but restaurants and businesses neglect to even think about putting them into their restaurants and businesses? That was my question. So, I created an innovative wheelchair ramp that is structured like a conveyor belt.The ramp lifts the patron into the restaurant and makes them feel more independent. They feel more independent because they don't have to have someone push them up a ramp. The ramp can be easily hidden underneath carpet or tile so that it doesn't damage any part of the restaurant or business it is placed in. Once a patron hits a button, the wheelchair ramp will slowly extend down to them and they can wheel themselves initially onto it while it's flat. And then the wheelchair ramp will slowly raise a railing behind it. This part will be extensively checked so that people will not get injured when they're trying to enter this restaurant or business. The wheelchair ramp will slowly move them up into the business. It is like a conveyor belt and it will relieve a little bit of stress for people that help people in wheelchairs move from place to place. These people don't have to push them anymore and it will also make people in wheelchairs feel a bit more independent.

2.) Reflection based on feedback: I received very positive feedback on my second elevator pitch. My classmates were impressed with my confidence and my pace. They also stated that they admired my devotion to solving the issue of lack of wheelchair accommodations. 
3.) What I changed, based on feedback: Overall, I tried to mimic my confidence and pace from my last elevator pitch.  I also tried to include the same amount of information as my other pitches.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Autumn,
    My first impression when watching your video was how calm and confident you seem. This was by far your best pitch yet. I liked how you made sure to explain your product and it need. You sounded incredibly professional and approachable, good job!
