Friday, September 28, 2018

Assignment 10A

Elevator Pitch No. 1

In the year 2013, 3.6 million Americans relied on wheelchairs to assist with mobility. And every year, there are over two million new wheelchair users in the U.S. So, wheelchairs are everywhere around us and many people use them to assist with mobility but many businesses and restaurants don't have the accommodations for wheelchair users. Even buses have these accommodations, ninety-eight percent of transportation buses have wheelchair accommodations. So why don't these restaurants and businesses have them? That was my question. So, I created an innovative wheelchair ramp that can easily be hidden underneath carpet or tile so that it doesn't damage any part of the restaurant or business that it's in. And when a patron hits a button, the wheelchair ramp will slowly come down to them and they'll go on to the wheelchair ramp. And then the ramp will slowly have a railing that comes up behind them so they don't fall off the ramp. This ramp functions as a conveyor belt and as I said can be easily hidden. So, those are the two innovations that make it different than other ramps. This will also assist with the people who help people in wheelchairs travel and transfer places so that they don't have to push them up the ramp, the person in the wheelchair can be fully independent to enter the business themselves. This will also appeal to restaurateurs and businesses that want to look good in the public eye. And this innovation will definitely help them with that.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Assignment 9A

Testing the Hypothesis Part 2

  • Who: I talked to three owners of local businesses that all had wheelchair access and two businesses that stated that they would not be interested in purchasing my product. The three local business owners with wheelchair access all lie outside the boundary because they already have wheelchair accommodations in place and would only purchase my product as a way of upgrading. The two business owners that stated that they were not interested in my product also stated that they didn't believe that the portion of the population that uses wheelchairs is large enough to warrant a change in their business.
  • What: This innovation would help the problem. However, those in wheelchairs often wish there was a better way for them to move from place to place. This could be seen as the overarching problem.
  • Why: I don't believe that the underlying need of the outsiders is different. I believe that every business should have a ramp to accommodate those in wheelchairs. It just depends on whether or not businesses acknowledge this need or simply ignore it.

Inside the Boundary
Outside the Boundary
Restaurants without wheelchair access       
Restaurants with wheelchair access or lack of care to add wheelchair access

Movie theaters without wheelchair access 
Movie theaters with wheelchair access or lack of care to add wheelchair access

Stores without wheelchair access
Stores with wheelchair access or lack of care to add wheelchair access
To increase the prevalence of wheelchair ramps throughout businesses
To completely eliminate the use of wheelchairs

To alleviate the need for assistance when using wheelchair ramps
To ostracize wheelchair users
Lack of wheelchair accessibility
Lack of regard for those in wheelchairs

Increased reliance on others to help enter businesses
Lack of care to add wheelchair ramps

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Assignment 8A

Solving the Problem

  • To combat the issue of lack of accessibility throughout public businesses for individuals in wheelchairs, I want to create an innovative version of a wheelchair ramp. 
  • This ramp can be easily hidden and blend into the tile or carpeting of the business with a simple cover. It will also function similarly to a conveyor belt and will have a sturdy platform with a small protective railing around the back. The patron will be able to press a button and the platform will slowly extend out over the steps and down to them. The individual will then wheel themselves onto the platform and the platform will turn on and lift them up the ramp. 
  • I strive to create a wheelchair ramp that functions like a conveyor belt to promote independence and less reliance on other people to push those in wheelchairs up the ramp. 
  • I have never seen a ramp like this one and the conveyor belt function is the most innovative idea I could formulate to solve this problem.
  • I think that many businesses would be inclined to purchase this technology because it appeals to a portion of their customers. It can also be easily hidden and will not damage the stairs of businesses. 
  • Overall, the goal of this product is to make people in wheelchairs feel just as normal as other people. I believe that many businesses would also be eager to purchase this product to improve their public image. Businesses are always striving to appeal to the largest audience and this product would not only help customers in wheelchairs but the businesses themselves.

Assignment 7A

Testing the Hypothesis Part 1

Providing increased accessibility for those with who use wheelchairs to assist with mobility
  • Opportunity: In the year 2016, 3.6 million Americans relied on wheelchairs to assist with mobility.
    • The who: individuals with physical disabilities that require wheelchairs
    • The what: Wheelchair users are not able to enter businesses that do not have proper wheelchair accommodations.
    • The why: Some businesses do not feel the need to appeal to this portion of the population because they are either unaware of the lack of accommodations or they do not care to go out of their way to accommodate wheelchair users.
  • Testing the who: There are over 3.6 million Americans over the age of fifteen that use wheelchairs to assist with mobility. There are about 2 million new wheelchair users every year in the United States. The "who" is not only the individuals in wheelchairs but the people who often help to assist them.
  • Testing the what: 98% of public transportation buses are equipped to handle and accommodate wheelchair users. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, employers are required to provide accommodations for those in wheelchairs, schools are also required to make these accommodations. However, businesses and private establishments are not required to accommodate wheelchair users. This results in wheelchair users believing they are not welcome at these businesses and feeling ostracized.
  • Testing the why: Businesses lack accommodations for wheelchairs because they either do not believe that they need to have these accomodations or that the portion of the population that uses wheelchairs is not  high enough to warrant changes to the layout of their businesses. Some business owners simply do not understand that the entrances, exits, and layout of their establishment is not wheelchair accessible, so they cannot make a change. Wheelchair users need increased accommodations so that they can enter more businesses and feel as normal as possible, rather than feeling ostracized by not being able to comfortably move around a store or restaurant.
  • Interview #1: For this first interview, I talked to my boyfriend's sister. She is paralyzed from the waist down and has to use a wheelchair on a daily basis. She told me that she does not feel welcomed by businesses that do not have ramps or elevators for wheelchair users. She already has to transfer from a car to her wheelchair everywhere she goes so being able to comfortably move around in any restaurant or store would make her life easier. She exemplifies who needs increased accessibility what increased accessibility would entail, and why this accessibility is vital. 
  • Interview #2: I then interviewed my boyfriend, who actively assists his sister in some of her daily activities. He attested to the lack of wheelchair accessibility in local businesses and described situations where they were turned away because of his sister being in a wheelchair. He is part of the "who"that would benefit from this opportunity. He also reiterated that many businesses are simply not aware that they should make these accommodations because of their ignorance about updating their businesses to assimilate individuals with wheelchairs.
  • Interview #3: The next person I interviewed was a business owner that lacks wheelchair-friendly entrances and exits. He told me that he was not aware of the issue and would strive to make these changes. I told him that there are over 3.6 million wheelchair users in the U.S. and he was astonished at this number. He now understands the "what" and "why" of this opportunity. 
  • Interview #4: I decided to interview a business owner with the proper accommodations for individuals that use wheelchairs. When I told them how many Americans travel in wheelchairs, they stated that they were fully aware of this statistic and they strive to make their business more accessible for those in wheelchairs. They told me that they believed in inclusion and did not understand why many businesses do not try to implement simple changes to update their entrances and exits.
  • Interview #5: This last interview was with a customer at a local business who was completely unaffiliated with the business. I asked her if she was aware that this business was not wheelchair-friendly. She answered by saying that frankly she had never really thought about what those in wheelchairs would do when faced with the task of entering the building. By the end of the interview, she admitted that she felt very ignorant about the subject of disabled individuals in general and even more uncomfortable with the topic of accommodations.
  • Given your interviews, what do you know about the opportunity that you didn't know before?
    • I was aware of the problems with wheelchair accessibility in local businesses but I was genuinely surprised at the lack of knowledge about the issue from business owners and patrons. My interviews with a random customer and the business owner without a wheelchair ramp really shocked me. These individuals had never thought of the needs of this whole population of people. 
    • I learned that this opportunity is even more important than I originally predicted. My interviews with my boyfriend and his sister just reiterated how lonely it can feel to not be able to do normal things like other people can. It breaks my heart that many people feel  this way.
    • The ignorance and nonchalant nature of the Interview #3 and Interview #5 was also appalling. This made me realize that more education needs to happen so that people understand the changes that need to be made to their businesses to promote access to those in wheelchairs.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Assignment 6A

Identifying Opportunities in Economic and Regulatory Trends

  • Economic Trend: A massive increase in the working population
    • I believe there is an opportunity because over the last few decades, over four billion people have entered the workforce. With this increase in workers, flexibility and job security need to become balanced.
    • The prototypical customer is most likely a recent college graduate trying to find a job where their skills, training, and education can be utilized.
    • I think that this opportunity may be hard to exploit because our world is vastly overpopulated and sometimes this leads to good jobs being harder to find. Overpopulation has been affecting nations around the world for years and there isn't a strong sign that this problem will be solved in the near future.
    • I spotted this opportunity because I am currently a sophomore in college and I am fearful of finding a job after graduation. There are many jobs that have either flexibility or job security but rarely both. The thought of entering a job market that is overpopulated can be extremely frightening.
  • Economic Trend: U.S income inequality continues to grow
    • I believe there is an opportunity because according to the Economic Policy Institute, in 2015, the top 1% of families in the U.S. made more than twenty five times what families in the bottom 99% did. One of the biggest reasons for this opportunity is the stagnation of wage growth.
    • The prototypical customer is any American in the bottom 99%, they would benefit from an increase in income equality.
    • If individuals in certain professions were paid fairly, then this problem would be easily solved. I think for this reason that this opportunity has the potential to be easy to exploit.  For income inequality to decrease, our nation needs to start appreciating the work that is being done in a variety of professions.
    • I think I found this opportunity because my mother is a high school teacher with a Master's degree. However, she is underpaid for her work and her education level. Teachers are underpaid and other professions that require less schooling and skills are given higher pay. It is simply unfair, I think my passion for achieving income equality led to me identifying this opportunity for growth and change.
  • Regulatory Trend: Public businesses having increased accommodations for handicapped individuals
    • I believe there is an opportunity because under Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act, modifications can be made to accommodate those with disabilities. I believe these accommodations should be applied to businesses as well. 
    • The prototypical customer is any individual with a physical disability. 
    • I think that this trend would be relatively easy to exploit because accommodations such as wheelchair lifts and ramps are already in place at the jobs and schools of those who are disabled. 
    • I recognized this opportunity because my boyfriend's sister is paralyzed from the waist down and in a wheelchair. She has a full-time job and is a valuable part of society. The accommodations made for her have helped facilitate her success. However, sometimes when we try to go to a restaurant, there is no wheelchair access. If businesses had modifications for those with disabilities, then they might have even more business. 
  • Regulatory Trend: Establishing legislation to prevent minors from obtaining e-cigarettes
    • There is an opportunity with this issue as illustrated in an article published by CNN. The head of the FDA is taking aim at e-cigarette companies. Specifically, e-cigarette companies are being asked to prove ,within the next two months, how they will keep their products from reaching minors. E-cigarette producers and sellers can either come up with a plan to stop minors from using their product or have their product pulled from the shelves.
    •  The prototypical customer is producers and sellers of e-cigarettes.
    •  I think that this trend will be easy to exploit because companies are already being forced to not sell their products to minors. If the sale of e-cigarettes to minors continues, then subsequent legislation to stop the sale would follow. 
    • I recognized this opportunity because I think that vaping and e-cigarettes are annoying. The reason for the epidemic is that teenagers think that they are cool when they use these products. I think that it is vital that these products cease being sold to minors and legislation would be a step towards this goal.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Assignment 5A

Identifying Local Opportunities

  • "University of Florida grads will walk a smaller stage, upsetting some "by Kevin Brockway of the Gainesville Sun.
    • Published September 10th, 2018
    • Description: The University of Florida has enacted a new plan for commencement ceremonies that will begin in December. Graduates will no longer walk across the stage in the O'Connell Center. Instead, graduates will meet in Ben Hill Griffin Stadium and then have their individual graduations in ceremonies with their individual colleges. However, the four largest colleges within the University will be holding their individual ceremonies in the O'Connell Center. This change is an effort to make graduation ceremonies shorter but it has been met with resistance from students, specifically those in smaller colleges.
    • The Problem: Students in smaller colleges will no longer be able to walk across the stage in the O'Connell Center. Instead they will be downgraded to ceremonies in the Reitz Union, the Florida Gym, and the University Auditorium. These students feel that this change is unfair and that they should be able to graduate in the traditional way.
    • The People: Students who are students of numerous colleges that have less students that have to graduate in a place other than the O'Connell Center.
  • "Duval County Schools again outspend revenue" by Denise Amos of the Florida Times Union.
    • Published September 10th, 2018
    • Description: Duval Schools have spent more money than they have taken in as general revenue. Florida sets funding for school districts based on enrollment. Meaning that the more students enrolled in Duval schools, the more state and federal funding. However, Duval has been losing a drastic amount of students to charter schools and therefore are losing millions of dollars in funding. This is one of the biggest reasons for their overspending. Duval is also utilizing older buildings, which are more costly to operate. Instruction costs and student support services also rose in the past year.
    • The Problem: Duval schools have outspend their revenue resulting in a deficit. This financial struggle could eventually result in the closing of many schools in the Duval district and the influx of students to charter schools in the area.  
    • The People: Staff of Duval county schools, parents, and students attending these schools, tax payers in the Duval area.
  • "Beach erosion causes concern at Porpoise Point" by Stuart Korfhage of the St. Augustine Record. 
    • Published September 4th, 2018
    • Description: Rough seas have resulted in extensive erosion in the Porpoise Point area of Vilano Beach. This could potentially lead to a temporary bans on vehicles driving on the beach. Temporary beach access should be able to be retained, with full closure only happening for a few hours a day. 
    • The Problem: Vilano Beach is experiencing severe erosion to the point where the beach may have to be temporarily closed to vehicles.
    • The People: Tourists visiting Vilano beach and the residents of Vilano Beach.
  • "Thanks to e-cigarettes, students are smoking in class. Miami Beach wants it to stop" by Kyra Gurney and Colleen Wright of the Miami Herald.
    • Published September 11th, 2018
    • Description: At Miami Beach Senior High, students are now smoking e-cigarettes in the bathroom, during lunch, and are even sneaking puffs while a teacher's back is turned. E-cigarettes have a sleek design and unique flavors, they have become a fad among teenagers in the U.S. The use of e-cigarettes has grown by 900 percent. Federal law prohibits the sale of e-cigarettes to anyone under the age of eighteen. However, Miami Beach students report that students often order the e-cigarettes online and use a fake ID to buy them and then go to a smoke shop that won't check their ID. Aleksandr Boskner has proposed cracking down on the sale of e-cigarettes to minors, this would include online retailers. 
    • The Problem: The increase in e-cigarette use in minors could erase the previous years of effort to curb smoking among young people. E-cigarette use is not only illegal for minors, but it is harming their health and increasing their chance of smoking conventional cigarettes. 
    • The People: Students, staff, and faculty of Miami Beach Senior High School.
  • "Flagler Beach marsh restoration plan stirs controversy" by Dinah Voyles Pulver of the Daytona Beach News-Journal.
    • Description: Along forty acres of coastal marsh along the Intracoastal Highway, coastal restoration scientists believe that the habitat needs to be changed. The proposal is to level old spoil piles and scraping the dirt into over one hundred miles of ditching to make the area more shallow and marsh-like. This proposal is not sitting well with local fishermen who would be impacted by the transformation of this habitat.
    • The Problem: The habitat of many animals could be potentially disrupted with this restoration project which is why many advocates are upset about this proposal.
    • The People: Individuals that live and work in the area along the Intracoastal highway and the restoration scientists carrying out this project.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Assignment 4A

Forming an Opportunity Belief

I believe there is a need for healthier eating habits among college students. There is definitely a lack of healthy and affordable eating options for students. Specifically, I believe that I could provide healthier foods that are also a breeze to meal prep, thus saving time and money for students. This need is not new and there are many restaurants that provide healthier food. However, through meal prepping healthier food options, a student can spend the same amount of money on dinner for a week in comparison to one night of dinner. I am about 85% that this opportunity exists.

#1: College Freshman currently on the campus meal plan
  • Where do you purchase your food?
    • "Dining halls, restaurants, and vending machines on campus."
  • Have you ever thought about how eating healthier food could benefit you?
    • "Yes, I have. However it is more convenient to pick up food rather than exert effort preparing food myself.
  • Did you know that fast food, soda, and processed foods contain additives that are unhealthy for you?
    • "Yes, I know that many of the foods that I consume are quite unhealthy, but I don't think I have another choice than to eat these foods."
  • What healthy foods do you currently eat?
    • "Fruits like apples, oranges, and bananas."
  • How would you feel about meal prepping healthier meal options? 
    • "I think this is a good idea, but I do not have a kitchen in my dorm and I do not know how to cook."
Reflection: Many freshman college students struggle to find places on campus that offer genuinely healthy food. They also run into more roadblocks when it comes to cooking their own meals because they live in a dorm without a kitchen. 
#2: College Upperclassman off campus living in an apartment 
  • Where do you purchase your food?
    • "A combination of grocery stores and restaurants on and around campus."
  • Have you ever thought about how eating healthier food could benefit you?
    • "Yes, I often think about how eating healthy foods could possibly make me feel better as a whole."
  • Did you know that fast food, soda, and processed foods contain additives that are unhealthy for you?
    • "I have known this for a very long time, but the convenience of these foods keeps me and other college students vulnerable to consuming them."
  • What healthy foods do you currently eat?
    • "Fruits such as apples and peaches and vegetables such as green beans and corn."
  • How would you feel about meal prepping healthier meal options? 
    • "I think this is a great idea, I live off campus in an apartment. So, I could easily use my kitchen to prepare my meals but I do not know how to cook."
Reflection: Moving off campus into an apartment with a kitchen definitely affords students more of opportunities to cook. However, without the motivation to eat healthier foods, many students will continue eating badly.

#3: Graduate Student living off campus in an apartment with a lack of time
  • Where do you purchase your food?
    • "I mostly shop for my groceries and occasionally eat out."
  • Have you ever thought about how eating healthier food could benefit you?
    • "Yes, I have. That is why I prepare my own meals and avoid processed foods."
  • Did you know that fast food, soda, and processed foods contain additives that are unhealthy for you?
    • "Yes, I know how additives in food can affect my health, which is why I have taken control of my own health. 
  • What healthy foods do you currently eat?
    • "I eat an array of fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins that are all unprocessed and fresh."
  • How would you feel about meal prepping healthier meal options? 
    • "I currently meal prep my dinners for the week using fresh ingredients and saves me time on cooking throughout the week. 
Reflection: Students who live on their own and take charge of their health are an obvious market for this opportunity belief. This student is a prime example of the way of living that I would love to expose the other two students to.

Summary: I do believe that the opportunity belief is still there but the audience for this belief might be smaller than I thought. Many college students are stuck in their ways and being able to convert these individuals to a healthier way of living would definitely be a challenge. Many people have their own way of satisfying this unmet need and still consume fruits and vegetables. My need slowly morphed into using healthy foods, which all three interviewees eat, to make meal prep dinners that save time and money. I believe that this need is extremely accurate with how expensive college already is before adding living expenses. I think that entrepreneurs should adapt their opportunities to customer feedback because if they didn't, they wouldn't be satisfying their unmet need. But entrepreneurs should always remember to stay true to their original vision and values. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Assignment 3A

Your Entrepreneurship Story

I have always been infatuated with health and wellness. However, I didn't start exercising and eating healthier food until my freshman year of college. I woke up one morning and decided that I was tired of just surviving my days, I wanted to start thriving. I aimed to lose a few pounds and just feel healthier. So I started meal prepping my dinners with healthy ingredients and exercising regularly. I heard about a woman named Danielle Gertner through three of my friends who were her "Grindterns". She owns a health and wellness company based out of Gainesville. Her motto is "Own Your Grind" and I was instantly drawn to her message. I heard her speak at an event called IdeaCon on campus this spring and her energy and passion was evident and inspiring. I knew that I wanted to intern for her and help her grow her business and spread her message. Meeting Danielle and working for her has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I will always continue to push the boundaries, challenge myself, and own my grind. 

I am an Innovation Academy Gator and part of my course requirements for my minor in Innovation is taking ENT3003. In addition to fulfilling my course requirements, I aim to establish a deeper understanding of how to market and sell my ideas. I believe that this course is about more than just learning how to start and operate a business. The integral center of this course is to teach students how to brainstorm intuitive solutions and then describe them to audiences of all kinds.