I have always been infatuated with health and wellness. However, I didn't start exercising and eating healthier food until my freshman year of college. I woke up one morning and decided that I was tired of just surviving my days, I wanted to start thriving. I aimed to lose a few pounds and just feel healthier. So I started meal prepping my dinners with healthy ingredients and exercising regularly. I heard about a woman named Danielle Gertner through three of my friends who were her "Grindterns". She owns a health and wellness company based out of Gainesville. Her motto is "Own Your Grind" and I was instantly drawn to her message. I heard her speak at an event called IdeaCon on campus this spring and her energy and passion was evident and inspiring. I knew that I wanted to intern for her and help her grow her business and spread her message. Meeting Danielle and working for her has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I will always continue to push the boundaries, challenge myself, and own my grind.
I am an Innovation Academy Gator and part of my course requirements for my minor in Innovation is taking ENT3003. In addition to fulfilling my course requirements, I aim to establish a deeper understanding of how to market and sell my ideas. I believe that this course is about more than just learning how to start and operate a business. The integral center of this course is to teach students how to brainstorm intuitive solutions and then describe them to audiences of all kinds.
This was well-written. It's amazing that someone you looked up to was the person you got to intern with and it's great that the field you're interested in can help so many. I can't say I'm the healthiest person, but it's always good to pursue your passions. Pushing yourself is an important part of learning while also managing everything you do, so it's good that your internship is prepping you for classes and life as well as having you do the work.