Thursday, September 27, 2018

Assignment 9A

Testing the Hypothesis Part 2

  • Who: I talked to three owners of local businesses that all had wheelchair access and two businesses that stated that they would not be interested in purchasing my product. The three local business owners with wheelchair access all lie outside the boundary because they already have wheelchair accommodations in place and would only purchase my product as a way of upgrading. The two business owners that stated that they were not interested in my product also stated that they didn't believe that the portion of the population that uses wheelchairs is large enough to warrant a change in their business.
  • What: This innovation would help the problem. However, those in wheelchairs often wish there was a better way for them to move from place to place. This could be seen as the overarching problem.
  • Why: I don't believe that the underlying need of the outsiders is different. I believe that every business should have a ramp to accommodate those in wheelchairs. It just depends on whether or not businesses acknowledge this need or simply ignore it.

Inside the Boundary
Outside the Boundary
Restaurants without wheelchair access       
Restaurants with wheelchair access or lack of care to add wheelchair access

Movie theaters without wheelchair access 
Movie theaters with wheelchair access or lack of care to add wheelchair access

Stores without wheelchair access
Stores with wheelchair access or lack of care to add wheelchair access
To increase the prevalence of wheelchair ramps throughout businesses
To completely eliminate the use of wheelchairs

To alleviate the need for assistance when using wheelchair ramps
To ostracize wheelchair users
Lack of wheelchair accessibility
Lack of regard for those in wheelchairs

Increased reliance on others to help enter businesses
Lack of care to add wheelchair ramps


  1. Autumn,

    I think you did a great job recognizing the limitations that surrounds your product. I believe that this is a very important issue and is absolutely one worth pursuing. There may be many businesses that are not excited to implement this new product, but they need to eventualy recognize the necessity of products like the one you are pushing.

  2. Autumn, I enjoyed reading about your hypothesis test. Wheelchair access is definitely an issue often brushed under the rug that needs to be solved in order for us to be a more inclusive society. Most movie theaters I have been to seem to already have wheelchair access but most stores lack them. This would be successful if the government mandated it as a requirement for stores however.

  3. Autumn,
    I enjoyed reading your hypothesis and the limitations and need's for your product. I believe that the product that you have in mind could change countless lives and is absolutely worth pursuing. From what I have read, you have done a great job recognizing the areas in which this product is most needed. Your information was extremely well organized and easy to follow. Good job!
