Friday, October 12, 2018

Assignment 14A

Halfway Reflection

1.) Tenaciousness is a competency. Every week I write down all assignments and responsibilities for the week. Since this course consists of two assignments a week with a quiz and peer reviews as well, that is a great deal to keep up with. By organizing my assignments and commitments for the week, I am able to hold myself accountable. Below is a photo of my personal calendar.

2.) Tenaciousness is also about attitude. During the first two weeks of this course, I submitted the wrong URL for the first three assignments, therefore I did not receive credit. I felt like giving up because I was worried that I wouldn't be able to recover from this. But instead of giving up, I buckled down and continued to work hard and submit the right URLs. I think that this course has strengthened my tenacity and caused me to be a bit more resilient when it comes to obstacles.

3.) Three tips
  • At the beginning of the week, write down all assignments for this course and their due dates. This will help you stay organized and prepared for the week ahead. 
  • If at all possible, try to pace yourself every week. Don't wait until the last minute to watch the lecture videos or do the assignments. Try to accomplish little goals throughout the week. 
  • Always do the extra credit assignments. They could affect your grade in a pinch later in the semester. 


  1. Awesome tips Autumn, having a planner is something I used to overlook, but as I get older I notice the value it holds more and more. Holding yourself accountable is such an important trait to develop humility and avoid mistakes in the future. Pacing yourself is something everyone should keep an eye on because so many people try to take on more than they can handle and end up failing preemptively.

  2. Autumn,

    I also use a calendar, although not as neat as yours, to stay organized. I also recommended that students do the extra credit and assignments ahead of time. Hope you have a great second half of the semester. I look forward to reading more of your posts!
