Thursday, December 6, 2018

Assignment 30A

Final Reflection 
  • My most formative experience would have to be when I accidentally submitted the wrong URL for the first three assignments and did not receive credit for them. I had to consistently strive to complete every assignment to come back from this error.
  • I will remember my first post that included the idea for my wheelchair ramp.I will remember the identification of this opportunity for years to come.
  • I am proud of myself for accomplishing my venture concept. I believe that I touched all of my bases and established solid ground for my company to grow from. 
  • At the end of this course, I see myself as an entrepreneur. I believe that with the necessary tenacity, I could start this business and see it flourish. 
  • I think that I have come closer to thinking in an entrepreneurial mindset. 
  • For future students, I would recommend setting goals and keeping track of your assignments! Pace yourself each week and watch the lecture videos, the quizzes come directly from watching them! Students should challenge themselves to think about problems in a creative way to foster the entrepreneurial mindset. 

Image result for creativity quotes pictures

Assignment 29A

Venture Concept No. 2

  • 3.6 million Americans use wheelchairs to assist with mobility but there is a serious lack of wheelchair accommodations(specifically ramps) among businesses.
  • The forces behind the lack of wheelchair ramps is a lack of knowledge about the needs of those in wheelchairs. 
  • Another force is the lack of care of some business owners. Many would rather turn away customers in wheelchairs rather than investing in ramps to accommodate them. 
  • The market is extensive demographically and geographically. There is a wide range of businesses that attract different demographics and that are located all over the nation. The one thing these businesses have in common is their lack of wheelchair accommodations.
  • There are many businesses that have proper wheelchair ramps, but there are also many that are not satisfying this need. Throughout interviews with business owners, I have discovered that business owners that have wheelchair ramps are not loyal to the companies they buy their ramps from. Overall, many business owners were interested in the design and function of the ramp that I strive to create.
  • This opportunity is relatively large, there is a large population of Americans that use wheelchair ramps. 
  • This window of opportunity will be open for as long as people utilize wheelchairs, which is indefinitely. 
  • I have developed a wheelchair ramp that can easily be hidden underneath carpet or tile. It also functions as a conveyor belt. 
  • This will help wheelchair users feel more independent because they no longer have to rely on others to help them enter businesses.
  • After a patron in a wheelchair presses a button, the wheelchair ramp will slowly extend out to them and they will wheel themselves onto the ramp. 
  • The ramp will slowly raise a railing behind them that will be extensively safely checked. The ramp will slowly lift them into the business. 
  • This innovation will be marketed to businesses that lack wheelchair ramps and will cost between $200 and $400 depending on the size of the ramp. 
Venture Concept:
  • This wheelchair ramp will be an alternative to large or inconvenient wheelchair ramps. Businesses will therefore be more driven to install wheelchair ramps in their businesses to accommodate wheelchair users. 
  • Customers will buy my innovation because it is convenient and will not damage their business. This product will also attract more customers, specifically those in wheelchairs. 
  • Getting customers with wheelchair ramps to switch to my product may or may not be difficult. The innovation of my product could potentially convince them to switch and the price could as well. 
  • Competitors are stores like Walgreen's or Lowe's. These stores have a vulnerability of not having a ramp that works like a conveyor belt. They also don't have a ramp that is small and easy to store. 
  • Packaging, price points, distribution, and customer support play a large role in this company. 
  • To support the ongoing production of this product, many employees and managers would be hired to run a distribution center to sell this product to customers.
Three Minor Concepts: 
  • My venture's unfair advantage is my passion. I have a passion for helping others and this is where this business idea stemmed from. I want to make this world a better place and I believe that this ramp has the potential to help many people.
  • I would love to tackle the problem of lack of handicapped bathrooms. In most restrooms in restaurants, there is one handicapped stall and people who are not handicapped often use this stall. I would love to develop a way to stop non-handicapped individuals from using this handicapped stall. 
  • If I launched this business idea, I would want to have this product thriving in the next five years. As an entrepreneur, I would want to continue helping the handicapped community have more accommodations while also pursuing a career in nursing. 
2.) Description of Feedback:
  • I received an overwhelming amount of positive feedback that specified that I included a great amount of detail in my description.
3.) Changes:
  • I added even more details into the parts of my post that I thought needed it and I added more details from my minor concepts. 

 Image result for innovation pictures quote

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Assignment 28A

Your Exit Strategy

1.) My plan: I intend to keep my business and pursue marketing this innovative technology. I would like to launch this business and have a partner that is more intuitive when it comes to business. It would be great if one day my children were interested in taking over this business, it has great potential for helping others.
2.) Why I have selected this strategy: I believe in this business and I would have to find someone who is equally as passionate about this issue as I am for me to sell. I want this wheelchair ramp to make an impact in the world and I believe that if I am the person leading this movement, that it can succeed.
3.) My exit strategy's influence: I think that is why I have been able to complete assignments in such detail, because I knew that I was interested in pursuing this concept further. I believe that my exit strategy has influenced the identification of my concept because I knew that I had to pick an issue that I was passionate about and that I could see myself genuinely pursuing after the completion of this course.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Assignment 27A

Reading Reflection No. 3

Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
  • 1.) What was the general theme or argument of the book? Kahneman describes how the two systems in the brain are constantly fighting over control of behavior and actions. System One controls automatic and impulsive decisions while System Two controls conscious and considerate decisions. He also introduces the many ways that this constant battle leads to errors in memory and judgement. He concludes with how you can minimize these errors. 
  • 2.) How did the book connect with and enhance what I am learning in ENT3003? For many assignments in this course, a great deal of thinking is required. Surface level evaluations are not enough to answer the questions that we are tasked with. Through learning about the two systems in my brain that are always fighting over control, I can better understand how this could cause errors in my judgement. After learning about this, I was able to slow down my thinking process and answer assignment questions in more detail throughout this course. My favorite quote from the book reads "Nothing in life is as important as you think it is, while you are thinking about it". This quote stuck out to me because in life and throughout this course, the swirling tornado of thoughts in my head seemed important while I was thinking about them. But as I started thinking about other things, the importance of previous thoughts dwindled. 
  • 3.) If I had to design an exercise for this class, based on the book I read, what would this exercise involve? I would give the students a math problem and see how they answer it. Those that answered quickly most likely used System One to draw a quick conclusion. Those that took longer to answer most likely used System Two to answer. I would then explain to the students the difference between the two systems of the brain and how they affected their decision making. After explaining this, I would suggest a few strategies for knowing when to use System One and when to use System Two. 
  • 4.) What was my biggest surprise or 'aha' moment while reading the book? What did I learn that differed from expectations? My biggest 'aha' moment was when I connected my way of thinking to this dual process way of thinking illustrated in this book. Often, when faced with a math problem, I reach an answer relatively quickly, but when I check my work later, I find that I got the wrong answer. My System One thought that it could handle problem but it needed System Two to help answer the question thoroughly. I thought that this book was just going to mention tips on how to slow down your brain. But instead, Kahneman described the background of our thinking habits and patterns to give the reader a better understanding of why we think and behave the way we do. 

Assignment 26A

Celebrating Failure

1.) A time that I failed this semester: This semester, I retook Introductory Chemistry because I had to drop it during the summer semester because I was struggling. I got a seventy-four on my first exam but I got a sixty on my second. This was a bit of a failure for me. After receiving this disappointing score, I swore to myself that I would do better on my last exam.
2.) What I learned: I learned that you have to consistently put in the work and study in order to succeed in a chemistry course. The coursework is rigorous, but it is only preparing me to do well on the final and to soar in additional science courses.
3.) Reflection: Failure is probably one of the most difficult emotions to handle. I hate feeling like I let anyone down or disappointed them in any way. Failure often makes me feel like I have let others down, but the worst part is feeling like I let myself down. I tend to be embarrassed and take failure to heart. When I am forced with dealing with rough emotions, I often cry. When I fail, I tend to have a catharsis and cry to make myself feel better. I used to think that failure was abnormal, but this class and college in general has helped me realize that failure is very normal. Throughout my life, I am going to fail constantly. The failure itself is disappointing, but it's all about how you rebound and continue to grow after that failure.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Assignment 25A

What's Next?

1.) What I think is next: The next step in furthering my business venture would be researching the cost of making this product and a facility.Testing a prototype of my wheelchair ramp is another crucial step as well. Also, talking to more business owners about their likelihood of purchasing my product would be helpful.
2.) Existing market interviews: I interviewed a local business owner, restaurant owner, and movie theater owner. They all agreed that my product sounds extremely innovative and that they would consider purchasing one for their business.They all agreed that I should be testing a prototype and researching a production facility. One business owner added that customers might expect other products like canes or walkers with an innovative twist.
3.) Path for the future: For growth to happen in my existing market, I need to target businesses that have wheelchair ramps and those that do not. By targeting both kinds of businesses, I have a larger target market and more opportunities for growth. I also need to design a working prototype and begin testing it for faults. Once this product is tested, I can begin making and selling the product. I would need to hire employees and find a production facility.
4.) New market: A radically different market to target would be rental apartments and rental homes. Installing wheelchair ramps in these homes could be extremely helpful to renters in wheelchairs.
5.) Creating value: This venture would create value because people in wheelchairs can now live in homes with stairs or a front porch because of the addition of this wheelchair ramp. The apartment communities or rental home companies can now rent to more individuals with this ramp installed.
6.) New market interviews: I interviewed two individuals who own apartment communities. They agreed that being able to have these ramps in their homes would increase their rental options because they can now accommodate those in wheelchairs. They both thought that I should market my product with the fact that my product can be hidden, stored easily, and works like a conveyor belt.
7.) Reflection: This market is not quite as attractive as my existing market. My aim is for businesses to accommodate those in wheelchairs. Apartments and homes are also extremely valuable markets to sell my product. The praise for my product was surprising. I was expecting these owners to be turned off by the investment required for my product. They were extremely receptive and would buy my product if I decided to move forward with this idea.

Assignment 24A

Venture Concept No. 1

  • 3.6 million Americans use wheelchairs to assist with mobility but there is a serious lack of wheelchair accommodations(specifically ramps) among businesses.
  • The forces behind the lack of wheelchair ramps is a lack of knowledge about the needs of those in wheelchairs. 
  • Another force is the lack of care of some business owners. Many would rather turn away customers in wheelchairs rather than investing in ramps to accommodate them. 
  • The market is extensive demographically and geographically. There is a wide range of businesses that attract different demographics and that are located all over the nation. The one thing these businesses have in common is their lack of wheelchair accommodations.
  • There are many businesses that have proper wheelchair ramps, but there are also many that are not satisfying this need. Throughout interviews with business owners, I have discovered that business owners that have wheelchair ramps are not loyal to the companies they buy their ramps from. Overall, many business owners were interested in the design and function of the ramp that I strive to create.
  • This opportunity is relatively large, there is a large population of Americans that use wheelchair ramps. 
  • This window of opportunity will be open for as long as people utilize wheelchairs, which is indefinitely. 
  • I have developed a wheelchair ramp that can easily be hidden underneath carpet or tile. It also functions as a conveyor belt. 
  • This will help wheelchair users feel more independent because they no longer have to rely on others to help them enter businesses.
  • After a patron in a wheelchair presses a button, the wheelchair ramp will slowly extend out to them and they will wheel themselves onto the ramp. 
  • The ramp will slowly raise a railing behind them that will be extensively safely checked. The ramp will slowly lift them into the business. 
  • This innovation will be marketed to businesses that lack wheelchair ramps and will cost between $200 and $400 depending on the size of the ramp. 
Venture Concept:
  • This wheelchair ramp will be an alternative to large or inconvenient wheelchair ramps. Businesses will therefore be more driven to install wheelchair ramps in their businesses to accommodate wheelchair users. 
  • Customers will buy my innovation because it is convenient and will not damage their business. This product will also attract more customers, specifically those in wheelchairs. 
  • Getting customers with wheelchair ramps to switch to my product may or may not be difficult. The innovation of my product could potentially convince them to switch and the price could as well. 
  • Competitors are stores like Walgreen's or Lowe's. These stores have a vulnerability of not having a ramp that works like a conveyor belt. They also don't have a ramp that is small and easy to store. 
  • Packaging, price points, distribution, and customer support play a large role in this company. 
  • To support the ongoing production of this product, many employees and managers would be hired to run a distribution center to sell this product to customers.
Three Minor Concepts: 
  • My venture's unfair advantage is my passion. I have a passion for helping others and this is where this business idea stemmed from. I want to make this world a better place and I believe that this ramp has the potential to help many people.
  • I would love to tackle the problem of lack of handicapped bathrooms. In most restrooms in restaurants, there is one handicapped stall and people who are not handicapped often use this stall. I would love to develop a way to stop non-handicapped individuals from using this handicapped stall. 
  • If I launched this business idea, I would want to have this product thriving in the next five years. As an entrepreneur, I would want to continue helping the handicapped community have more accommodations while also pursuing a career in nursing. 

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Assignment 23A

Your Venture's Unfair Advantage

1.) Passion: My undeniable passion for helping others drives not only my business venture but my life. I enjoy seeing the smiles on the faces of others and understanding that I am one of the biggest reasons for that smile.
  • Valuable: This quality is one of the most valuable in a business venture, being passionate helps me relate to other people and accurately depict my vision. 
  • Rare: This quality is not necessarily rare. However, finding someone with a genuine passion without any stipulations or hidden motives can be rare. 
  • Inimitable: This quality can easily be imitated but my passion comes from the heart and this cannot be completely imitated by any other business. 
  • Non- substitutable: This quality cannot be replaced or substituted by any other quality. If you don't have passion, then leaders cannot voice their ideas effectively.
2.) Leadership skills: I have been the team captain or co-captain of many class presentations throughout high school and college. I have therefore learned how to lead a team effectively.
  • Valuable: This skill is vitally important in appealing  to the masses and advertising any idea of business oppurtunity. Without the support of consumers, a business cannot succeed. 
  • Rare: This skill is not necessarily rare. However, the act of being a leader with strong beliefs and a unique way of presenting them is extremely rare.
  • Inimitable: This skill can be easily be imitated but my genuine leadership skills and care for others cannot be imitated. 
  • Non- substitutable: This skill cannot be substituted by another quality, leadership is necessary in every business. 
3.) Public speaking skills: I took a public speaking course my freshman year that has helped me develop the skills necessary to deliver a speech to an audience.
  • Valuable: This skill is very valuable in the marketplace.Anyone can have a good idea, but a business owner must be able to present their ideas. 
  • Rare: This skill is not necessarily rare. Delivering a speech is not only about presenting your ideas, a presenter must be able to relate their idea to their audience.
  • Inimitable: This skill can be easily imitated. However, every presenter has their own innovative way of portraying their ideas. 
  • Non- substitutable: This skill cannot be replaced by another. Being a successful and confident public speaker is vital to launching and maintaining a business. 
4.) Self-confidence: Since starting school at the University of Florida, I have developed an undeniable confidence in my ideas and achievements.
  • Valuable: This quality is one of the most valuable in a business venture, being self-confident in my business would help me sell it to consumers. 
  • Rare: This quality is not necessarily rare. However, it took me nineteen years to become completely comfortable and confident in myself and my thoughts, which is an accomplishment within itself. 
  • Inimitable: This quality can be imitated by others, I think that every person should develop a deeply-rooted love for themselves before they develop a business idea that they wish to sell. 
  • Non- substitutable: This quality cannot be replaced with another. If the business owner is not completely confident in the potential of their venture, then consumers will not see this potential either. 
5.) Internship experience: I interned for about twelve weeks with a local health and wellness company. I got an in-depth look into the inner workings of a business.
  • Valuable: This experience is extremely important for resumes which can help individuals get future jobs and make connections.
  • Rare: This experience is not necessarily rare. Many individuals obtain internships throughout college. However, the lessons that someone learns during their time as an intern vary based on the person. 
  • Inimitable: This experience can be imitated by others, but as I said, the lessons learned vary from person to person.
  • Non- substitutable: This experience cannot be replaced with another. Being in an environment that challenges students to think in different ways is important to developing a well-rounded portfolio. 
6.) Organizational expertise: Ever since I can remember, I have been extremely organized.
  • Valuable: This quality is valuable because of the moving parts that exist within a business. Without some sort of organization, these parts cannot move in harmony and the business cannot succeed in its mission. 
  • Rare: This quality is not necessarily rare. Many people are organized and keep calendars or planners of their schedules.
  • Inimitable: This quality can be imitated by others but each person organizes the pieces of their life in different ways. 
  • Non- substitutable: This quality cannot be replaced, every powerful business has some level of organization.
7.) Connections: I have talked to many different individuals with backgrounds in varying sectors of the wheelchair accommodation business market. As a result, I have made many connections. 
  • Valuable: This experience is one of the most valuable in a business venture. I have made connections that could further help my business succeed down the line.  
  • Rare: This experience is not necessarily rare. Many students have relationships with those already in the industry. My connections are unique to my potential business venture.  
  • Inimitable: This experience can be imitated by others but the relationship that one person has with someone is always different than someone else's relationship with the same person.
  • Non- substitutable: This experience cannot be replaced, these relationships help business owners connect with other people. Often, it's not about what you know, but who you know.
8.) First-hand experience: My boyfriend's sister is paralyzed from the waist down and requires a wheelchair to assist with mobility. She is a great resource to run ideas by for the development of my product.
  • Valuable: This experience is extremely crucial to the development of a wheelchair ramp that can actually assist those in the wheelchair community. 
  • Rare: This experience is rare. Many business owners brainstorm ideas for their business ventures with no background knowledge or buyer contact.
  • Inimitable: This experience can be imitated, but much like connections made throughout the industry, many first-hand experiences are unique to the people involved.
  • Non- substitutable: This experience cannot be replaced by another, the person that helps you come up with different ways to solve a particular problem is crucial to a business.
9.) Fundraising Experience: I am a fundraiser for Dance Marathon at UF which is an organization that benefits sick children in the Gainesville area.
  • Valuable: This experience is very valuable and would be useful when I would need to generate money to launch my business venture.
  • Rare: This experience is not very rare. Many students have fundraising experience through different organizations. I have developed tips that are rare in comparison to others.
  • Inimitable: This experience can be imitated by others but my fundraising tips and tricks are different than that of other students. 
  • Non- substitutable: This experience cannot be replaced, the act of raising funds to benefit an organization is one that helps build character. 
10.) Lack of competitiors: There are no leading brands that have developed a wheelchair ramp that is structured like a conveyor belt and can be hidden underneath carpet or tile.
  • Valuable: This quality is very valuable. Without a large amount of competition, my product could flourish.
  • Rare: This quality is rare. In many businesses, there is a wealth of competitors that act as barriers for start-up businesses.
  • Inimitable: This quality can be imitated by others, but a lack of viable competitors is rare.
  • Non- substitutable: This quality cannot be replaced by another, having no competition is the dream for many businesses. 
After completing this assignment, I decided that passion is the most important resource of my business. Without passion, there is no vision. While other companies can develop a similar product, I will always win with my passion for helping others and my drive to make this world a better place. 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Assignment 22A

Elevator Pitch No. 3

1.) Link to video:

In the year 2013, 3.6 million Americans relied on wheelchairs to assist with mobility. So wheelchairs are everywhere around us and many people use them to help them in their daily lives. But many restaurants and businesses lack accommodations that help these patrons even get into their establishments. Yet public transportation is crawling with wheelchair ramps and accommodations. Ninety-eight percent of public transportation buses have wheelchair accommodations. So, why did these buses have these accommodations but restaurants and businesses neglect to even think about putting them into their restaurants and businesses? That was my question. So, I created an innovative wheelchair ramp that is structured like a conveyor belt.The ramp lifts the patron into the restaurant and makes them feel more independent. They feel more independent because they don't have to have someone push them up a ramp. The ramp can be easily hidden underneath carpet or tile so that it doesn't damage any part of the restaurant or business it is placed in. Once a patron hits a button, the wheelchair ramp will slowly extend down to them and they can wheel themselves initially onto it while it's flat. And then the wheelchair ramp will slowly raise a railing behind it. This part will be extensively checked so that people will not get injured when they're trying to enter this restaurant or business. The wheelchair ramp will slowly move them up into the business. It is like a conveyor belt and it will relieve a little bit of stress for people that help people in wheelchairs move from place to place. These people don't have to push them anymore and it will also make people in wheelchairs feel a bit more independent.

2.) Reflection based on feedback: I received very positive feedback on my second elevator pitch. My classmates were impressed with my confidence and my pace. They also stated that they admired my devotion to solving the issue of lack of wheelchair accommodations. 
3.) What I changed, based on feedback: Overall, I tried to mimic my confidence and pace from my last elevator pitch.  I also tried to include the same amount of information as my other pitches.

Assignment 21A

Reading Reflection No. 2

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big by Scott Adams
  • 1.) What was the general theme or argument of the book? Adams vividly discusses the elements that make up his life. He shares how he learned how to take care of himself from loss to loss until he eventually won big. A quote that excellently sums up the memoir reads, "The most important form of selfishness involves spending time on your fitness, eating right, pursuing your career, and still spending time with your family and friends." He reiterates this theme of taking care of yourself throughout the memoir. 
  • 2.) How did the book connect with and enhance what I am learning in ENT3003? Scott Adams invented the Dilbert office cartoon that is now known all around the world. This is known as his "big success". However, he encountered many failures that led to his success. He touches on how he kept himself motivated, healthy, and happy while racking up all the failures that led to his success. Throughout this course, there were many ideas for my product venture that were failures and I had to move on from them. This memoir illustrated that there is no time limit on success and that you must fail before you can truly succeed. In this course, I have learned how to think and act like an entrepreneur. This depiction of Adams' life further enhanced my experience by showing that living the entrepreneur dream is possible with a little failure along the way. This book enhanced and provided a real-world example of how staying positive and persevering can help you reach success. 
  • 3.) If I had to design an exercise for this class, based on the book I read, what would this exercise involve? If I had to design an exercise centered around this book, I would design an exercise that focuses on failure. I would ask my students to write down every failure that they have had in their life, no matter how big or small. Then I would ask them to write down a possible reason behind this failure. I would then ask them to write down their successes thus far and reasons for those successes. Then, I would ask them to compare the failures and successes and see if many of their failures led to later successes. 
  • 4.) What was my biggest surprise or 'aha' moment while reading the book? What did I learn that differed from expectations? The biggest lesson I learned was from a piece of advice that Adams shared with readers. He talked about how he preferred systems over goals. A system is going from job to job and always trying to find something better. Goals are more specific and they are always in the future. I was surprised at how differently I started thinking when I started living in the moment rather than chasing far-away goals. Goals are still important, but thinking about them on a smaller and less-specific scale is a key to long-term success. I expected this book to chronicle every failure that Adams experienced and how they led to his success. The memoir was much more vivid and included tips on how to remain successful by taking care of yourself. 

Friday, November 2, 2018

Assignment 20A

Growing Your Social Capital

1.) Domain Expert
  • Who they are and their background: I interviewed an individual that owns a medical equipment business. Wheelchair ramps are categorized as an accommodations for those who must travel in wheelchairs. This business owner has a family member that is paralyzed from the waist down and uses a wheelchair. This inspired them to create their own medical equipment business that provides these supplies to those in need for a cheaper price. 
  • What makes them an expert: This person has opened multiple stores and dedicated a great deal of their time to researching possible equipment that would benefit those with disabilities. 
  • How I found this person: I searched medical equipment communities on google and chose one with significantly lower prices than the others. 
  • Nature of exchange: I emailed the owner and we talked on the phone. I asked this person if they could describe the inspiration behind their business venture and if they could listen to my pitch for my own business. In return, I was able to provide a different point of view towards her business. I also gave her a few suggestions for products for her store. 
  • How this person will enhance my ability to exploit an opportunity: She will help me network and meet new people with a similar vision for their present and future businesses. 
2.) Market Expert
  • Who they are and their background: I interviewed an individual who sells colostomy products for individuals with wheelchairs. Many people confined to wheelchairs because of paralysis use colostomy bags to help themselves use the bathroom. This individual decided to specialize in colostomy products with the aim of enhancing the lives of those in wheelchairs. Their goal of helping others is the link between their business idea and my own.
  • What makes them an expert: The man that I interviewed is extremely well-versed in multiple kinds of products designed for those with physical disabilities. 
  • How I found this person: They sell medical supplies locally. I visited their small store in my hometown.  
  • Nature of exchange: While visiting their store, I explained my vision for my business venture and received feedback. I also suggested how he could expand his business or partner with a business like mine to better help individuals with wheelchairs. 
  • How this person will enhance my ability to exploit an opportunity: Through meeting this market expert, I established a contact that could potentially help me establish more in the future.
3.) Industry Supplier
  • Who they are and their background: I interviewed an individual who works in a metal factory. They have worked in this factory for over ten years and know the industries that utilize the metal they produce on a daily basis. 
  • What makes them an expert: They make the metal that is often used to build wheelchair ramps and other medical equipment. 
  • How I found this person: I contacted a local metal factory and asked if I could interview a worker about their knowledge of the metal they produce. 
  • Nature of exchange: I interviewed a worker to get more information and in return, I helped them understand their contribution to helping those with disabilities by producing metal. 
  • How this person will enhance my ability to exploit an opportunity: The worker and the metal factory are now an important contact and liaison for any future business opportunity. 
4.) Reflection: This experience further pushed me out of my comfort zone and talk to people that I wouldn't normally target. This networking experience was very different from previous ones. Networking experiences in the past were very relaxed but this one had a specific goal and purpose. For future networking experiences, I will have a targeted goal and purpose for every connection that I establish.  

Assignment 19A

Idea Napkin No. 2

1.) You: My name is Autumn Farmer and I am a sophomore here at UF. I am pursuing a Biology major and an Innovation minor. I am specializing in Natural Science with the hopes of becoming a nurse. I am an Innovation Academy ambassador which means that I get to act as the liaison between newly admitted students and parent and the Innovation Academy. I am also a dancer for Dance Marathon at UF. DM at UF is a fundraising organization on campus with all proceeds going directly to the patients at UF Health Shands Children's Hospital. I have a passion for helping others and my product stems from this passion. I have seen the lack of wheelchair accessibility and my desire to help was unleashed. This product would help me achieve my goal of helping others as a result. I have dreams of pursuing a career in the medical field and this product is intertwined with that dream.
2.) What I'm offering to customers: My product is a wheelchair ramp that functions as a conveyor belt and can be easily hidden underneath carpeting or tiling in any business. The ramp is small and portable for easy travel. This product will solve the issue of a lack of wheelchair accessible throughout businesses and help harvest independence for wheelchair users.
3.) Who am I offering it to: My customers all have a lack of wheelchair accessibility in common. This product would be offered to businesses that do not have wheelchair access for their customers. These businesses would specifically have steps that are difficult or impossible for wheelchair users to conquer, thus establishing a need for an innovative wheelchair ramp. The demographic characteristics of my customers varies among all ages, races, and genders.
4.) Why do they care?: My customers will only care about the product if they have empathy for those in wheelchairs. Wheelchair users will care about this product but my target market is businesses that lack wheelchair accommodations. To make these businesses care, I need to reiterate that by adding this wheelchair ramp, they will have an increase in customers and therefore an increase in profits.
5.) What are my core competencies?: This wheelchair ramp functions as a conveyor belt which I have never seen in a wheelchair ramp. It can also be easily hidden and therefore is not bulky and taking up extra space. Business owners can purchase a ramp relatively easily to further meet their customers' needs.
6.) How my elements fit together: I believe that for the most part, the elements of my business plan work together. I think that my passion for helping others carries through all aspects of my business and could help contribute to its' success. I believe that the only outlier of this plan is convincing businesses that lack wheelchair access that they should make the necessary accommodations. Convincing these businesses to make a change might be the most difficult facet of making my business a successful one.
7.) Feedback memo: Two of my classes gave me helpful feedback and praise. One student mentioned that he loved how small and convenient my product is, I incorporated this detail into the description of what I am offering to customers. Another student mentioned that he could sense my passion for helping others through my involvements. This bit of feedback was very much appreciated and I added more justification as to why I love helping others and how my passion connects to my business.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Assignment 18A

Create a Customer Avatar

1.) Details about my avatar:
  • The ideal customer for my product would be business owners. All business owners look differently and have differing core values that affect what products they are willing to buy. But overall, business owners wish to provide the best products and experiences for their customers. 
  • My avatar's name is Pam and she is in her thirties. She has a husband, Jim, and two children, CeCe, and Philip. 
  • She recently opened her own art gallery to showcase her talents. She decided to open her own art gallery so that she could make her own hours and spend an adequate amount of time with her children. 
  • Her hobbies include baking, dancing, drawing, and painting. 
  • Her favorite TV show is The Office. 
  • She always enjoys reading a good book and has an extensive collection. 
  • She met her husband at the paper company where she used to work before opening her own business. 
  • Her business is not wheelchair accessible but she is open to installing a wheelchair ramp. 
2.) What I have in common with the customer avatar: 
  • The avatar looks similar to me with light brown hair and dark brown eyes. 
  • She also has a smile, which accentuates her friendliness.
  • I don't think that these similarities and differences are a coincidence. I was naturally drawn to making my avatar look familiar and friendly. 
  • I myself am not a business owner and do not have an interest in becoming one. 
  • My customer is a business owner, unlike myself, but we share the similarity of having a heart dedicated to helping other people. 

Assignment 17A

Elevator Pitch No. 2

1.) Link to video

In the year 2013, 3.6 million Americans relied on wheelchairs to assist with mobility. So wheelchairs are everywhere around us and many people use them to help them in their daily lives. But many restaurants and businesses lack the simple accommodations that help these people in wheelchairs even enter their establishments. Yet public transportation is crawling with wheelchair accommodations. Ninety-eight percent of public transportation buses have wheelchair accommodations. So, why are these restaurants and businesses completely neglecting a whole population of people and as a result, losing their business? That was my question. So, I created an innovative wheelchair ramp that can be easily hidden underneath carpet or tile and it's structured like a conveyor belt. This wheelchair ramp will help the people in wheelchairs because they will feel more independent and they will no longer have to ask people to carry them into a restaurant or business or push them up a ramp. The way that the ramp is going to be structured is that the patron will push a button and the ramp will slowly extend out to them. They will slowly wheel themselves onto the ramp initially and then a railing will come up behind them.This part will be extensively safety checked so that no one gets hurt while trying to enter a business or a restaurant. The ramp will slowly lift them into the establishment. They will be able to not feel judged and feel more independent, as a result. The people arou wheelchair ramp will slowly move them up into the business. It is like a conveyor belt and it will relieve a little bit of stress for people that help people in wheelchairs move from place to place. These people don't have to push them anymore and it will also make people in wheelchairs feel a bit more independent.

2.) Reflection on feedback: Overall, my feedback was very helpful. I utilized almost all the suggestions that my peers identified. The most helpful feedback was about making sure that the average consumer would understand the importance of the product. There was also a suggestion of including safety checks and prices in my pitch.
3.) What I changed, based on the feedback: I tried to be even more personable in my pitch so that the consumer would understand that the need for my product is present. I also incorporated the presence of safety checks when testing my products. I neglected to include the detail about price because of lack of time left in my pitch. 

Friday, October 19, 2018

Assignment 16A

What's Your Secret Sauce?

1.) Five ways in which I think I have human capital:
  • I am empathetic towards others. Even if I have not gone through the same struggle as someone, I try to listen and be there for them. I believe I am someone that others can trust and rely on because of my complacency.
  • I have a passion for helping others. Since becoming a Florida Gator, my passion for helping people has been unleashed. I love donating blood and raising money for sick children. The best feeling is knowing that I am making a difference in this world simply by doing what I love.
  • I am creative and always excited for adventure. I enjoy capturing my deepest feeling in poetry; I love that my words can have an impact by transforming into a language that others can relate to. I am also always on the hunt for a new adventure, I love trying new things like swimming with dolphins, riding roller coasters, zip lining, or taking road trips. This love for chasing new experiences can be carried with me for the rest of my life.
  • I have the courage to push myself out of my comfort zone. I am often judged as an introverted person. However, my best friend says that I am the most extroverted person she knows and that I could make friends with anyone. I have pushed myself to be more social and conquer my fear of public speaking. I love talking to people, hearing their stories, and being able to relate to them on a deeper level. 
  • I am driven and work hard to achieve my goals. I have been an overachiever since I was born. When my little sister was born, I worked tirelessly to steal attention away from her. And now I work just as tirelessly to further my education and change the world. My only goal is to be happy and to be happy, I want to make a difference in the world of medicine and live in a world where children no longer suffer with illness. 
2.) Interviews from the five people who know me best: 
  • Link to video:
  • My best friend,  Elizabeth: She lives in Virginia and she knows me like no one else. She accentuated my willingness to push myself out of my comfort zone, my ambition and determination ,my compassion, my fun-loving personality, and my willingness to help others  
  • My boyfriend, Justin: We have been dating for five months and I have established a connection with him that is unlike anything I've ever known. He also said how infectious my smile is, my kind heart, my honesty, how driven I am, the way I encourage others, how I always make people feel included, and how I make him want to be a better person.
  • My sister, Amanda: I have truly become the woman that I am today with my sister by my side. She has always been the person that I am driven to protect and guide. I am so thankful to have such a genuine bond with her. She talked about my compassion, how I continue trying after failing, how driven I am, my honesty, and my infectious laugh. 
  • My close friend, Laudori: We were suite-mates my first year of college. She has always been such a light in my life. We would spend hours talking about our dreams and ambitions. The friendship I have built with her is so genuine and pure. She talked about my understanding towards others, how optimistic I am, my ability to be genuinely caring, how driven I am, and how hard it is to find someone with such great qualities.
  • My mom: My mom has been my best friend since the day I was born. She is always my shoulder to cry on and my biggest supporter. I am so grateful to have such a strong woman to look up to and strive to be. My mom talked about my honesty, my strong morals, my determination, my strong voice, my commitment to helping others, my can-do attitude, how I inspire those around me, and my creativity, and unique way of seeing the world.
3.) Reflecting on the differences: The way that the people closest to me view me as a person is very similar to the way that I view myself. From these interviews, I learned that people see me as a caring, driven, and genuine person. The people around me see me for who I truly am, so I can not point out any differences between the perception and my description of myself. I am passionate about helping others and being a cheerleader for those I love. It brings a smile to my face that the people I choose to surround myself with appreciate the biggest qualities of my personality.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Assignment 15A

Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 2

1.) Picking a segment: I decided to interview three individuals associated with local businesses. One is the owner of a boutique, one is the owner of a retail clothing store, and one is the owner of a phone-repair store. These individuals all have one thing in common—they are all owners of businesses that lack wheelchair ramps and the major market where I would be selling my product.
2.) Alternative evaluation: During my interviews with these local business owners, they all expressed genuine concern about the lack of wheelchair ramps throughout their businesses. They agreed that this population of people in wheelchairs deserves to be accommodated. They asked about potential solutions. I pitched them my idea and while they envied most of the aspects, they still had concerns. One of the concerns that was universal was the lack of style of wheelchair ramps on the market. All of the business owners that I spoke with expressed that they wanted to install a wheelchair ramp but they didn't want the ramp to detract from the style of their restaurant. I rebutted and mentioned that my ramp could easily be hidden under carpeting or tile. Two out of the three business owners claimed that the price could be too expensive. I eased their minds by articulating that my product would be relatively inexpensive for the innovative technology that is included. Overall, the concerns of the business owners I spoke with were the style and price of the ramp. 
3.) How/where do they buy?: There are medical equipment companies and popular stores that sell wheelchair ramps. These popular stores include Lowe's, Wal-Mart, and Walgreen's. This product is different from other products, there wouldn't be a retail store where consumers could buy our ramp. I want to construct this business as more of a service where businesses could order their ramp online. They could input the measurements that they want the ramp to be and a style that would fit their decor. And then the ramp would be built to fit these requests and would be installed at no extra cost to the consumer. 
4.) Post-purchase evaluation: For the most part, my interviewees agreed that the most important factor of a purchase was whether or not it gets used. They said that being able to see customers in wheelchairs enter their business with no hassle would make the product useful. If they never saw the ramp in use or saw anyone defacing the ramp, then they might come to the conclusion that the purchase of the ramp was a bad idea or investment.
5.) The findings: I learned that business owners are overall empathetic to my cause and they are willing to make a change to their business to be more accessible for wheelchairs. Their main concern about purchasing my ramp, or any ramp, is the style and price. The most important part about buying this ramp would be making sure that it is put to use. 
6.) Drawing conclusions: All of my interviewees expressed that they wanted the wheelchair ramp to be stylish. The style of my product needs to align with my customer's wants. Another concern was price so the price of my ramp needs to be competitive with big brand name stores and still have innovative technology that sets it apart. Their decision to purchase my ramp would come from empathy and a passion to accommodate a whole population of customers. All of the individuals I interviewed wanted to see the wheelchair ramp in use to determine if the the purchase was a good decision or not.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Assignment 14A

Halfway Reflection

1.) Tenaciousness is a competency. Every week I write down all assignments and responsibilities for the week. Since this course consists of two assignments a week with a quiz and peer reviews as well, that is a great deal to keep up with. By organizing my assignments and commitments for the week, I am able to hold myself accountable. Below is a photo of my personal calendar.

2.) Tenaciousness is also about attitude. During the first two weeks of this course, I submitted the wrong URL for the first three assignments, therefore I did not receive credit. I felt like giving up because I was worried that I wouldn't be able to recover from this. But instead of giving up, I buckled down and continued to work hard and submit the right URLs. I think that this course has strengthened my tenacity and caused me to be a bit more resilient when it comes to obstacles.

3.) Three tips
  • At the beginning of the week, write down all assignments for this course and their due dates. This will help you stay organized and prepared for the week ahead. 
  • If at all possible, try to pace yourself every week. Don't wait until the last minute to watch the lecture videos or do the assignments. Try to accomplish little goals throughout the week. 
  • Always do the extra credit assignments. They could affect your grade in a pinch later in the semester. 

Assignment 13A

Reading Reflection No. 1

1.) Grinding It Out: The Making of McDonald's by Ray Kroc
  • What surprised you the most? The most surprising part of Ray Kroc's story is that McDonald's was not started by a large group of people. The first restaurant was actually opened by the McDonald brothers, Mac and Dick. Ray was actually a Multimixer salesman at the time. A Multimixer was a tool used to make milkshakes, Ray was so entranced that the McDonald brothers had eight Multimixers in use at the same time. As he looked at their internal operations and their unique products, he saw the promise of a prosperous business. So he decided to make McDonald's a chain restaurant and eventually bought the McDonald brothers out of their share of the company. It was surprising that Ray Kroc was in a different business before he found the McDonald brothers and that he was a salesman before becoming a business owner. 
  • What about the entrepreneur did you most admire? Above all, I admire Ray Kroc's tenacity. He always kept fighting to make his dream a reality. That is the same goal that I wish to accomplish. There was a quote that he said that reads "Taking reasonable risks is part of the challenge, its the fun"(59). This quote stuck out to me because throughout Ray Kroc's career, he always took reasonable risks that often had large pay-offs. Ray's attitude was always positive as well, which I really admire. No matter what situation he was in, he always tried to find the positive angle to look at the situation. I think this quality strengthened his abilities as a salesman and as a businessman.
  • What about the entrepreneur did you least admire? The quality that I least admired about Ray had nothing to do with his business. I disliked that he cheated on his wife. I think that this kind of dishonesty has the potential to taint an individual. While he did cheat on his wife, he still ran a very successful business that was constantly growing and becoming a household name.
  • Did the entrepreneur encounter adversity and failure? If so, what did they do about it? Ray encountered a great deal of adversity and failure. For the most part, he never broke down and gave up on his dream. He always kept fighting to transform his company into something great. When he found out that Clem Bohr was not actually opening up franchises like he promised, he had to find a way to pay the debt that he now owed multiple people. This failure strengthened his business because he had to bounce back from this failure and still land on his feet. Ray said "adversity can strengthen you if you have the will to grind it out"(106). This quote was extremely inspiring to me because even one of the world's most powerful business moguls had to encounter failure to end up on top.
2.) What competencies did you notice that the entrepreneur exhibited? Ray Kroc wanted his business to grow throughout the United States and beyond. But he also wanted to keep making a valuable product that would change the future of fast food.

3.) Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you. When business words and concepts were discussed, I had a little bit of trouble following. When these concepts were introduced, I had to read the passage again and I could usually get an understanding of the concept. 

4.) If you were able to ask two questions to the entrepreneur, what would you ask? Why? 
I would ask Ray Kroc what his favorite moment from his McDonald's journey, I would ask this question because I am interested in what aspect of growing his business was the most influential to his success. I would also ask him if he regretted not finishing school? I believe that my education is the only thing that cannot be taken from me and I wonder if he wished that he finished his schooling.

5.) What do you think that author's opinion was of hard work? Do you share that opinion? 
Ray Kroc's opinion of hard work stood out to me throughout my reading. He said that "Work is the meat in the hamburger of life. There is an old saying that "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". I never believed it because, for me, work was play"(15). I agree with his viewpoint of work, I believe that without hard work and dedication, there can be no success. Ray worked tirelessly to see his dreams come to life and that is evident with the booming success of his business. I hope to follow my passions much like Ray Kroc. 

Friday, October 5, 2018

Assignment 12A

Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

1.) Picking A SegmentI decided to speak to restaurants, one of the types of businesses my product would be targeting. Many restaurants have wheelchair accommodations but there are also restaurants that lack these accommodations. Three out of three restaurants did not have wheelchair ramps to accommodate guests with disabilities.
2.) Three People Who Fit The Segment: I interviewed the owner of one restaurant, a waitress of one restaurant, and a customer in the third.
3.) Need Awareness: In my first interview, the owner expressed that he does believe that wheelchair ramps are vital and necessary, thus establishing his business's need. He articulated that it is difficult to find the extra revenue to afford this expense. This need is extremely salient and is most present when handicapped individuals attempt to enter his restaurant and cannot as a result of the lack of ramps throughout the establishment. The second person I talked to was a waitress at a restaurant. She agreed that there is a definite need for this innovation. She mentioned a time when a man came in asking for a table and specified that he had a sister in a wheelchair and she had to turn them away because they have steps outside their restaurant and no wheelchair-friendly ramp. She got a little emotional talking about this incident because she said she had a lot of sympathy for this woman who was unable to even enter the restaurant. She also articulated that because there is not a particularly large amount of individuals in wheelchairs that attempt to eat at their restaurant, that the owner does not see a need to spend money on a wheelchair ramp. She made a valid point that if there was wheelchair access, they might get even more business. My last interview was with a customer in a restaurant that lacked wheelchair access. She stated that she never thought about the lack of wheelchair access but that it is a need. She said that it is a consistent need among restaurants but that she has only seen a select few with wheelchair access.
4.) Information Search: When tasked with this problem, all of my interviewees were quick to suggest the installation of a wheelchair ramp to solve the problem. Their google search would most likely consist of googling the price of a wheelchair ramp for the restaurant in question. Since this is a critical issue, they would most likely talk to their friends and family about implementing innovative wheelchair ramps.
5.) The Findings: After conducting these interviews, I learned that many individuals care about this issue and it can be universally agreed that this product is needed among restaurants. When tasked with the issue of lack of wheelchair accessibility, all of the interviewees tried to find the most viable solution to the problem.
6.) Drawing Conclusions: This segment has an immediate need and a clearly apparent information search among the public.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Assignment 11A

Idea Napkin No. 1

1.) You: My name is Autumn Farmer and I am a sophomore here at UF. I am pursuing a Biology major and an Innovation minor. I am an Innovation Academy ambassador which means that I get to act as the liaison between newly admitted students and parent and the Innovation Academy. I am also a dancer for Dance Marathon at UF. DM at UF is a fundraising organization on campus with all proceeds going directly to the patients at UF Health Shands Children's Hospital. I have a passion for helping others and my product stems from this passion. I have seen the lack of wheelchair accessibility and my desire to help was unleashed. This product would help me achieve my goal of helping others as a result. I have dreams of pursuing a career in the medical field and this product is intertwined with that dream.
2.) What I'm Offering to Customers: My product is a wheelchair ramp that functions as a conveyor belt and can be easily hidden underneath carpeting or tiling in any business. This product will solve the issue of a lack of wheelchair accessible throughout businesses and help harvest independence for wheelchair users.
3.) Who Am I Offering It To?: My customers all have a lack of wheelchair accessibility in common. This product would be offered to businesses that do not have wheelchair access for their customers. These businesses would specifically have steps that are difficult or impossible for wheelchair users to conquer, thus establishing a need for an innovative wheelchair ramp. The demographic characteristics of my customers varies among all ages, races, and genders.
4.) Why Do They Care?: My customers will only care about the product if they have empathy for those in wheelchairs. Wheelchair users will care about this product but my target market is businesses that lack wheelchair accommodations. To make these businesses care, I need to reiterate that by adding this wheelchair ramp, they will have an increase in customers and therefore an increase in profits.
5.) What Are My Core Competencies?: This wheelchair ramp functions as a conveyor belt which I have never seen in a wheelchair ramp.It can also be easily hidden and therefore is not bulky and taking up extra space.
6.) How My Elements Fit Together: I believe that for the most part, the elements of my business plan work together. I think that my passion for helping others carries through all aspects of my business and could help contribute to its' success. I believe that the only outlier of this plan is convincing businesses that lack wheelchair access that they should make the necessary accommodations. Convincing these businesses to make a change might be the most difficult facet of making my business successful. 

Friday, September 28, 2018

Assignment 10A

Elevator Pitch No. 1

In the year 2013, 3.6 million Americans relied on wheelchairs to assist with mobility. And every year, there are over two million new wheelchair users in the U.S. So, wheelchairs are everywhere around us and many people use them to assist with mobility but many businesses and restaurants don't have the accommodations for wheelchair users. Even buses have these accommodations, ninety-eight percent of transportation buses have wheelchair accommodations. So why don't these restaurants and businesses have them? That was my question. So, I created an innovative wheelchair ramp that can easily be hidden underneath carpet or tile so that it doesn't damage any part of the restaurant or business that it's in. And when a patron hits a button, the wheelchair ramp will slowly come down to them and they'll go on to the wheelchair ramp. And then the ramp will slowly have a railing that comes up behind them so they don't fall off the ramp. This ramp functions as a conveyor belt and as I said can be easily hidden. So, those are the two innovations that make it different than other ramps. This will also assist with the people who help people in wheelchairs travel and transfer places so that they don't have to push them up the ramp, the person in the wheelchair can be fully independent to enter the business themselves. This will also appeal to restaurateurs and businesses that want to look good in the public eye. And this innovation will definitely help them with that.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Assignment 9A

Testing the Hypothesis Part 2

  • Who: I talked to three owners of local businesses that all had wheelchair access and two businesses that stated that they would not be interested in purchasing my product. The three local business owners with wheelchair access all lie outside the boundary because they already have wheelchair accommodations in place and would only purchase my product as a way of upgrading. The two business owners that stated that they were not interested in my product also stated that they didn't believe that the portion of the population that uses wheelchairs is large enough to warrant a change in their business.
  • What: This innovation would help the problem. However, those in wheelchairs often wish there was a better way for them to move from place to place. This could be seen as the overarching problem.
  • Why: I don't believe that the underlying need of the outsiders is different. I believe that every business should have a ramp to accommodate those in wheelchairs. It just depends on whether or not businesses acknowledge this need or simply ignore it.

Inside the Boundary
Outside the Boundary
Restaurants without wheelchair access       
Restaurants with wheelchair access or lack of care to add wheelchair access

Movie theaters without wheelchair access 
Movie theaters with wheelchair access or lack of care to add wheelchair access

Stores without wheelchair access
Stores with wheelchair access or lack of care to add wheelchair access
To increase the prevalence of wheelchair ramps throughout businesses
To completely eliminate the use of wheelchairs

To alleviate the need for assistance when using wheelchair ramps
To ostracize wheelchair users
Lack of wheelchair accessibility
Lack of regard for those in wheelchairs

Increased reliance on others to help enter businesses
Lack of care to add wheelchair ramps

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Assignment 8A

Solving the Problem

  • To combat the issue of lack of accessibility throughout public businesses for individuals in wheelchairs, I want to create an innovative version of a wheelchair ramp. 
  • This ramp can be easily hidden and blend into the tile or carpeting of the business with a simple cover. It will also function similarly to a conveyor belt and will have a sturdy platform with a small protective railing around the back. The patron will be able to press a button and the platform will slowly extend out over the steps and down to them. The individual will then wheel themselves onto the platform and the platform will turn on and lift them up the ramp. 
  • I strive to create a wheelchair ramp that functions like a conveyor belt to promote independence and less reliance on other people to push those in wheelchairs up the ramp. 
  • I have never seen a ramp like this one and the conveyor belt function is the most innovative idea I could formulate to solve this problem.
  • I think that many businesses would be inclined to purchase this technology because it appeals to a portion of their customers. It can also be easily hidden and will not damage the stairs of businesses. 
  • Overall, the goal of this product is to make people in wheelchairs feel just as normal as other people. I believe that many businesses would also be eager to purchase this product to improve their public image. Businesses are always striving to appeal to the largest audience and this product would not only help customers in wheelchairs but the businesses themselves.

Assignment 7A

Testing the Hypothesis Part 1

Providing increased accessibility for those with who use wheelchairs to assist with mobility
  • Opportunity: In the year 2016, 3.6 million Americans relied on wheelchairs to assist with mobility.
    • The who: individuals with physical disabilities that require wheelchairs
    • The what: Wheelchair users are not able to enter businesses that do not have proper wheelchair accommodations.
    • The why: Some businesses do not feel the need to appeal to this portion of the population because they are either unaware of the lack of accommodations or they do not care to go out of their way to accommodate wheelchair users.
  • Testing the who: There are over 3.6 million Americans over the age of fifteen that use wheelchairs to assist with mobility. There are about 2 million new wheelchair users every year in the United States. The "who" is not only the individuals in wheelchairs but the people who often help to assist them.
  • Testing the what: 98% of public transportation buses are equipped to handle and accommodate wheelchair users. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, employers are required to provide accommodations for those in wheelchairs, schools are also required to make these accommodations. However, businesses and private establishments are not required to accommodate wheelchair users. This results in wheelchair users believing they are not welcome at these businesses and feeling ostracized.
  • Testing the why: Businesses lack accommodations for wheelchairs because they either do not believe that they need to have these accomodations or that the portion of the population that uses wheelchairs is not  high enough to warrant changes to the layout of their businesses. Some business owners simply do not understand that the entrances, exits, and layout of their establishment is not wheelchair accessible, so they cannot make a change. Wheelchair users need increased accommodations so that they can enter more businesses and feel as normal as possible, rather than feeling ostracized by not being able to comfortably move around a store or restaurant.
  • Interview #1: For this first interview, I talked to my boyfriend's sister. She is paralyzed from the waist down and has to use a wheelchair on a daily basis. She told me that she does not feel welcomed by businesses that do not have ramps or elevators for wheelchair users. She already has to transfer from a car to her wheelchair everywhere she goes so being able to comfortably move around in any restaurant or store would make her life easier. She exemplifies who needs increased accessibility what increased accessibility would entail, and why this accessibility is vital. 
  • Interview #2: I then interviewed my boyfriend, who actively assists his sister in some of her daily activities. He attested to the lack of wheelchair accessibility in local businesses and described situations where they were turned away because of his sister being in a wheelchair. He is part of the "who"that would benefit from this opportunity. He also reiterated that many businesses are simply not aware that they should make these accommodations because of their ignorance about updating their businesses to assimilate individuals with wheelchairs.
  • Interview #3: The next person I interviewed was a business owner that lacks wheelchair-friendly entrances and exits. He told me that he was not aware of the issue and would strive to make these changes. I told him that there are over 3.6 million wheelchair users in the U.S. and he was astonished at this number. He now understands the "what" and "why" of this opportunity. 
  • Interview #4: I decided to interview a business owner with the proper accommodations for individuals that use wheelchairs. When I told them how many Americans travel in wheelchairs, they stated that they were fully aware of this statistic and they strive to make their business more accessible for those in wheelchairs. They told me that they believed in inclusion and did not understand why many businesses do not try to implement simple changes to update their entrances and exits.
  • Interview #5: This last interview was with a customer at a local business who was completely unaffiliated with the business. I asked her if she was aware that this business was not wheelchair-friendly. She answered by saying that frankly she had never really thought about what those in wheelchairs would do when faced with the task of entering the building. By the end of the interview, she admitted that she felt very ignorant about the subject of disabled individuals in general and even more uncomfortable with the topic of accommodations.
  • Given your interviews, what do you know about the opportunity that you didn't know before?
    • I was aware of the problems with wheelchair accessibility in local businesses but I was genuinely surprised at the lack of knowledge about the issue from business owners and patrons. My interviews with a random customer and the business owner without a wheelchair ramp really shocked me. These individuals had never thought of the needs of this whole population of people. 
    • I learned that this opportunity is even more important than I originally predicted. My interviews with my boyfriend and his sister just reiterated how lonely it can feel to not be able to do normal things like other people can. It breaks my heart that many people feel  this way.
    • The ignorance and nonchalant nature of the Interview #3 and Interview #5 was also appalling. This made me realize that more education needs to happen so that people understand the changes that need to be made to their businesses to promote access to those in wheelchairs.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Assignment 6A

Identifying Opportunities in Economic and Regulatory Trends

  • Economic Trend: A massive increase in the working population
    • I believe there is an opportunity because over the last few decades, over four billion people have entered the workforce. With this increase in workers, flexibility and job security need to become balanced.
    • The prototypical customer is most likely a recent college graduate trying to find a job where their skills, training, and education can be utilized.
    • I think that this opportunity may be hard to exploit because our world is vastly overpopulated and sometimes this leads to good jobs being harder to find. Overpopulation has been affecting nations around the world for years and there isn't a strong sign that this problem will be solved in the near future.
    • I spotted this opportunity because I am currently a sophomore in college and I am fearful of finding a job after graduation. There are many jobs that have either flexibility or job security but rarely both. The thought of entering a job market that is overpopulated can be extremely frightening.
  • Economic Trend: U.S income inequality continues to grow
    • I believe there is an opportunity because according to the Economic Policy Institute, in 2015, the top 1% of families in the U.S. made more than twenty five times what families in the bottom 99% did. One of the biggest reasons for this opportunity is the stagnation of wage growth.
    • The prototypical customer is any American in the bottom 99%, they would benefit from an increase in income equality.
    • If individuals in certain professions were paid fairly, then this problem would be easily solved. I think for this reason that this opportunity has the potential to be easy to exploit.  For income inequality to decrease, our nation needs to start appreciating the work that is being done in a variety of professions.
    • I think I found this opportunity because my mother is a high school teacher with a Master's degree. However, she is underpaid for her work and her education level. Teachers are underpaid and other professions that require less schooling and skills are given higher pay. It is simply unfair, I think my passion for achieving income equality led to me identifying this opportunity for growth and change.
  • Regulatory Trend: Public businesses having increased accommodations for handicapped individuals
    • I believe there is an opportunity because under Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act, modifications can be made to accommodate those with disabilities. I believe these accommodations should be applied to businesses as well. 
    • The prototypical customer is any individual with a physical disability. 
    • I think that this trend would be relatively easy to exploit because accommodations such as wheelchair lifts and ramps are already in place at the jobs and schools of those who are disabled. 
    • I recognized this opportunity because my boyfriend's sister is paralyzed from the waist down and in a wheelchair. She has a full-time job and is a valuable part of society. The accommodations made for her have helped facilitate her success. However, sometimes when we try to go to a restaurant, there is no wheelchair access. If businesses had modifications for those with disabilities, then they might have even more business. 
  • Regulatory Trend: Establishing legislation to prevent minors from obtaining e-cigarettes
    • There is an opportunity with this issue as illustrated in an article published by CNN. The head of the FDA is taking aim at e-cigarette companies. Specifically, e-cigarette companies are being asked to prove ,within the next two months, how they will keep their products from reaching minors. E-cigarette producers and sellers can either come up with a plan to stop minors from using their product or have their product pulled from the shelves.
    •  The prototypical customer is producers and sellers of e-cigarettes.
    •  I think that this trend will be easy to exploit because companies are already being forced to not sell their products to minors. If the sale of e-cigarettes to minors continues, then subsequent legislation to stop the sale would follow. 
    • I recognized this opportunity because I think that vaping and e-cigarettes are annoying. The reason for the epidemic is that teenagers think that they are cool when they use these products. I think that it is vital that these products cease being sold to minors and legislation would be a step towards this goal.